I've got so much to be thankful for that I feel like celebrating! I decided when November rolled around, I'd have a Gobble Gobble giveaway!

All you have to do to get in the drawing for this turkey is leave a comment on THIS post & mention something you're thankful for. I think it will be fun! If you add a post on YOUR blog about my Gobble Gobble Giveaway and link back to my post, you'll get your name entered twice! But please let me know in your comment that you've done so.
Feel free to enter even if you don't have a blog----just include your email address on your comment or for more privacy, email me (there's a link to my email address on the sidebar of my blog) with your email address so if you're the lucky winner, I can contact you. Again, leaving your email address is for those of you who don't have a blog.
I'm having the contest go through the weekend, so that everyone hopefully gets a chance to enter. It ends Wed, 11/12/08, at 12:00 midnight Central. The winner will be announced Thurs., 11/13/08. I'll get Mr. Turkey mailed out right away to the winner so you can enjoy him for Thanksgiving!
As for me, I'm thankful for wonderful family and friends, including all you sweet blog friends; I'm thankful for your comments and for your wonderful blogs---I enjoy reading them so much, gaining ideas and inspirations from them! They brighten up my day! I'm thankful for my job, our home, and especially for our health, which is so easy to take for granted! Most of all, I'm thankful to God for being with us in every step of our lives, during the good times and the not-so-good times (and thankfully, the good times outweigh the other times!) and never letting us go.
What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for family,bubble baths,chocolate,coffee,and this cute giveaway!! Thank you!
I'm thankful for many things but I think one thing I am really thankful for right now is my brother being able to walk. He had a major stroke in May and was paralized on his right side. He is now to the point where he is able to walk short distance without help from others. We were so worried he would not be able to ever walk again so this is such a blessing!
I am thankful for my family, I am thankful YOU are part of my family, and I am thankful I am so close to the pack and mail, I can go over and see what other neat things they have!
I'm thankful I have a nice mother-in-law, that I can still afford internet service, that nice people have passed beautiful clothes down to my daughter to wear, and that the weather has been so mild for November.
I'm thankful for blogging friends. Can't beat the generous nature of blogging folks.
I am thankful for my family and health!!
I'm thankful the elections are OVER!!! ;-)
I am thankful for my family and friends, my health, the fact that I have a job and my cat.... the list could go on forever as I am truely Blessed.
I am thankful for knowing you and your family also!
I am thankful that I have my family, and my health-while neither is perfect, I couldn't live without them!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
My family and my retired greyhound, Sheba
I am thankful for my mom. Not only is she my best friend but she helps me keep my sanity! lol.. not to mention she watches my daughter every day for me, still does my laundry when I need, manages the circus that is our family and still manages to keep her marbles. I am also thankful for the sunshine and for Christmas because I love shopping for people and giving gifts!
Ditto! (I'm too late for your give-away, but I wanted to say what a cutie! Much to skinny to eat:)
Hi I came over from Nola's and I enjoyed my visit! That turkey is adorable!
I am thankful for my very first grandbaby expected in a few weeks! We are all so excited! He will be the first on both sides...a much waited for and loved baby!
Hugs, Pat
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