Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Chilly Jilly: a lightweight microfiber wrap that folds up so small, you can fit it into your purse or even your evening bag.

I recently read about entrepeneur Jill Boehler's creation, the Chilly Jilly Wrap, in More Magazine (the magazine for 40+). Click here for the article, She Became a QVC Star in Two Years.
Jill was a speech pathologist. She was at a restaurant one night and was freezing in the air-conditioning. When her husband pulled out a pair of compact reading glasses to read the menu, she wished she could have just pulled a compact wrap out of her purse to keep her warm. And that idea was the beginning of the Chilly Jilly Wrap! However, the hard part was still ahead - researching to find a wrinkle-free fabric that would be soft, provide the right amount of warmth, and could be folded up to fit in a purse. She was finally inspired by the stretchy, shiny microfiber fabric of athletic biker's shorts! Then, when she got on the show, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, sales really took off. The next big "break" was when she appeared on QVC and she's now been on there nine times! Of course, all her success came with a lot of hard work, determination, and not giving up!
I just think this is such a super idea and had to share it with you!
Check out her website, ChillyJilly.com; there's a listing of stores by state that carry her product.
Now, why can't I think of something like this!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And who can stop with just six.......
Monday, July 13, 2009
Everyone kept telling me about the one they just opened in Uptown Village in Cedar Hill, Texas, but I haven't had a chance to go till now. One friend had a gorgeous purse she got there with a large cross on it studded with crystals! I admired the large hoop earrings on another friend. They were encrusted with crystals! And the prices were really good!!!
Just a hint----Allow yourselves at least two hours of shopping time because you will not get out of there before then! They have an enormous amount of costume jewelry, but they also have purses, scarves, sunglasses, shoes, and even some clothing items. What's so different about this store is that it's arranged by color, making it really easy to find jewelry to match a particular outfit!
I also picked up a cute decorating idea: they displayed their rings in cocktail glasses! They were so cute! So, I did the same on my vanity at home: I put all my costume rings, including the white daisy/crystal ring I just bought at Charming Charlie's, in the glass as shown:

PS: I got the glass, which is actually nice & heavy, at Dollar Tree!